2024 memberships are continuing to roll in!
The fines list has been updated on the website as of 4/9/24.
We are still in need of sponsorships for the 2024 season... Any and all sponsorships help so please reach out and try to help secure some sponsorships!
There was a proposal to make a pay scale change so that we have one set standard payout for ALL events for all regular season rodeos (excluding finals). The following was approved for ALL events at all first approved MRA rodeos and will sit for 30 days before again being voted on so that it can be an amendment to the rule book. 1-5 : pays 1 (100%) 6-10 : pays 2 (60%-40%) 11-15 : pays 3 (50%-30%-20%) 16-20 : pays 4 (40%-30%-20%-10%) 21-30: pays 5 (30%-25%-20%-15%-10%) 31-40: pays 6 (29%-24%-19%-14%-9%-5%) 41-50: pays 7 (27%-22%-18%-14%-10%-6%-3%) 51-60: pays 8 (26%-20%-17%-12%-10%-7%-5%-3%) 61-70: pays 9 (25%-20%-17%-12%-9%-7%-5%-3%-2%) 71+: pays 10 (22%-19%-17%-13%-9%-6%-5%-4%-3%-2%)
Emit has met with Sanford and has another meeting next week so that we can continue to move forward with planning the 2024 finals.
Jackets: all have been received except for the 7 Larges that are on backorder and we have been working on getting them all out to those who ordered them.
At this time we do not feel like we have the help or ability to host a membership drive rodeo this year.
IPRA sanctioning - an agreement has been signed with them and we have reached out to Rice's about this. We would love to have them co-sanction with the MRA but are unsure if they will at this time.
Finals bids: we are working on having a set structure with finals bids and having a document that contractors and personnel can fill out to submit which will be accepted up until July 8th at noon. As part of this it was decided that in order for a contractor to put in a bid for the arena OR stock they much have atleast 1 first approved MRA rodeo/have stock at at least 1 first approved rodeos OR have co sanctioned 3 MRA rodeos/have stock at 3 co sanctioned rodeos.
Callie feels that she is ready manage the MRA central entry system and has times/dates in place for online entries, call ins and call backs.
The following Special events were approved:
Howard Co Fair Bulls and Barrels in Cresco Iowa on June 30th
The following MRA Rodeos were approved:
Scottie Stampede Rodeo in Scottland SD on Aug 10th and 11th
Irene Rodeo in Irene SD on June 28th and 29th
Lodi Ag Fair Rodeo in Lodi WI on July 11th
Jefferson County Fair Rodeo in Jefferson WI on July 12th
Trempealeau County Fair Rodeo in Galesville WI on July 18th
Fillmore County Fair Rodeo in Preston MN on July 19th
Fairbult County Fair Rodeo in Blue Earth MN on July 25th
Columbia County Fair Rodeo in Portage WI on July 26th
Winneabgo Country Fair Rodeo in Oshkosh WI on July 31st
Our next meeting will be Tuesday May 14th at 7:30pm.
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